Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Internal- existing or occurring inside or within, while recruitment is the action of finding new people to join/support an organization. Internal recruitment is the picking of existing people/employees for a role. 
Companies with a look to the future, that is, organization's leadership, put significant effort towards selection. Those with a view on continuity lean in the direction of internal selection of successor.
The internal recruitment of executives is a sound policy and it has had noteworthy successes in the past,both within and outside Intel. 
For one, it brings into the role someone who has established their loyalty to the organization. Two. the employee has most likely imbibed the organizational culture since he/she is already in the system. Three. Though companies have varying disclosure rates, the early/advance choice of C.E.O. is possibly stems from an effort to strengthen a culture of risk oversight (Conference board, 2017 July). Four. A chance at understudying the current C.E.O. before entering the role that is an apprenticeship for example. Five this method is cheaper than external recruitment and as the driving down of cost is always welcome within and organization, this makes the policy more attractive and viable. Six the use of institutional knowledge which the employee being internally recruited already possesses. Seven, it spikes the morale of staff hopeful to get selected. Eight it revitalizes the employees and fuels competition. Nine Internal recruitment of C.E.O. may lead to promotion of another employee to replace the new C.E.O.’s former role and promoting from within allows almost all of external hiring at the “entry level.” (in the case of organizations with commitment to internal hiring) Also, entry-level is cheaper to fill, has a larger candidate pool, and gives more time to train and assess those that aspire to reach higher level positions.  
There are different disadvantages to internal recruitment, that is, when a soon to be "hired" employee is unable to disengage from current role, this may delay his/her filling of the new role. in the instance of an organization with strong internal recruitment policy, and no suitable internal candidate, hiring process may be delayed. Though is not the case with Intel CEO recruitment as this is started a decade in advance.

Paul Otellini was different, even in cases of organizations vying away from the norm. He had been in the organization for thirty-one years before taking the CEO position, he was far from new to the industry, as a sales and marketing executive for decades, he had product knowledge and familiarity with clients taste, preference and cultivated relationships with those who would become strong/main clients for example IBM, Apple. Also led the production of Intel Pentium Chip in 1993, has experience as the Chief Operational Officer for a short while.
Also he apprenticed under Craig Barnett, the outgoing CEO, this tradition " Moore set the example in the mid-1980s, when he allowed Andy Grove, then his second in command, to gradually assume CEO chores; likewise, in the mid-1990s, Grove steadily ceded his authority to Barrett" (Gibson, 2012). Though he resorted to a laying off of 10% of its staff towards saving 3$ billion dollars in two years, he brought the annual revenue from 34$ billion to 57$ billion in the space of 7 years.

“The fact that two-thirds of non-financial S&P 500 companies did not survive 1988-2007 attests to rapidly changing nature of long term successes” (Steingraber, 2011). A study of 36 companies in 25 different industries that outperformed the rest in the 20year period understudy, had consistent leaders, for example Microsoft, Best buy, Johnson, Honda, Nike, Caterpillar, Colgate-Palmolive, McDonalds et cetra Chief among these being intel. Study showed none of the other non-financial S&P 500 companies did as well nor surpassed them, based on metrics like rise in Revenue, ROA, ROE, Share value and so on.
Still there are organizations who plan their executive succession and but fail in execution, due to poor management. 
Some organizations believe executive succession begins and ends with a good headhunter, the process is much more painstaking and personal becauuse this is your face to the world, that is your core value as an organization.
Organization's top executives may have ulterior plans for certain executive positions, though it is the role of the board, things may be put in play to frustrate plans/efforts or the board itself may be used to remove certain executives for example Eckard Pfiffer; Rod Canion, Apple; Steve Jobs et cetra. Also if an organization is unstable, there will not be a good enough environment for planning. 
S.E.C. has increased its over-watch on boards, as they are in charge of succession selection in a need for more transparency in the process. Despite its success, many organizations do not practice it, some organizations apply the fire-brigade approach for picking executives, even C.E.O.s

            Steingraber F.G. & Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. 2011 Home Grown C.E.O. ATKearney Inc Pp 1-17
             Gibson, J.L, Ivancevich J.N. et al Organization’s Behavior, Structure, Process. 14th edition Pp 364-367. McGraw-Hill International Edition.

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