Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Discuss why Security isn’t just a technology issue? Why does the business unit need to be involved?

The word "security" is all encompassing of steps taken to ensure the safety of an organization or state (Merriam-Webster 2018). In the case of an organization, security would include the safe keeping of building, machinery, computers (hardware and software), furniture, vehicles, non--tangible assets like investments, shares in other companies and so on. In this list, technology related assets are part not whole/all of the things that requires safety measures. This means decisions on such matters will belong to management who has the overseeing power over all of the things and the organization in itself, especially commitment of resources to security and information systems, controls (Laudon, 2012).
The security of an organization though include I.T., it is not limited to it. Management decisions on security include exponentially increasing level of planning, analysis of data, decision making, maintenance, implementation.
There is also the business side of things for example determination of non-tech side of security of company's product be it goods or services. The members of management decide on tech side of security in collaboration with input from members of the technical team, for example the type of Firewall to install, Intranet, internal software, customization of applications, organization's need, server to use, best cctv for organization's premises et cetra
The management team gets information on risk levels and exposure of the organization- technological, that is; from IT staff and the management weighs the information(options) against costs and decide on what line to take from options made available. For example some of the ransom-ware cyber attacks to hospitals all over the world last year, were resolved by third party IT security, those were consulting firms not the in-house IT department(s), such matters are managerial decisions. Even in cases where higher level of IT security than what the technology department can handle is required, the management makes that decision whether to send technology department staff on training and when (Bloomberg, 2017).
Laudon K.C. & Laudon J.P. (2012), Management Information System. Managing the Digital Firm. 12, Pp 330-370
Robertson J. (2017, May 13), Bloomberg, Hospitals Gain Control After Ransom Hack, More Attacks May Come. Retrieved from https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-05-12/ransom-hack-racking-up-victims-with-hospitals-most-at-risk

Security n.d. (2018) Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary. Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/security

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