Tuesday, April 24, 2018

What is meant by business intelligence. Give some examples of how business intelligence is used to help achieve the organization

Business intelligence involves putting together internally stored and externally retrieved data into a technological tool to aid management in making resolution.
Business intelligence aids the making of better decisions in business, by using a very wide variation of tools to process data into information and analysis for decision making.
"Business intelligence programs may also incorporate forms of advanced analytics, such as data mining, predictive analytics, text mining, statistical analysis and big data analytics". 
The term was "coined' in the late mid 19th century, started as Mainframe based analytical systems such as decision support system, a leading name in the field of Business intelligence is Howard Dresner.
Business intelligence can be used in various departments in the organization, be it sales, marketing, procurement, accounting. For example Forbes, Monster.com, Quidsi using IBM, Unica and SAP on their customer data to better make decision towards increasing profit. Some organizations use SAS, Oracle/SAP ERP. The size of the organization will affect what type of business tool management will use, in recent days with more and more business tools being created, companies now have options from Microsoft, IBM, Tableau et cetera

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